Thursday, December 29, 2011
Last year's resolutions and the year in review...
1. drink less soda and more water - CHECK
2. lose 20 lbs - CHECK - I have actually lost 32 lbs
3. be a better mom - I think I have so CHECK
4. play outside with K more - this one is a maybe....we did go to the park more...
5. find peace for myself - CHECK
6. start attending church - not so much
Year in Review....
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
got a divorce
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept almost all of them and I MAY make some for this year
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
a few friends had babies
4. Did anyone close to you die?
yes, we lost my brother-in-law in April
5. What countries did you visit?
I didn't visit any countries but USA. I did visit a new state however! South Carolina.
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
no debt
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
04/11/11 - that is the day my BIL passed :(
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I guess losing weight
9. What was your biggest failure?
still not teaching
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A few minor things...I found out that I have Lupus and they found pre-cancerous cells on my cervix - All is being dealt with and I am feeling VERY healthy!!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
That is a tough one.....I didn't really BUY it but I RENTED an apartment of my very own..
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Kendall! She only had one day the entire 1st semester of 1st grade that she got a mark!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The one person who always does....the EX.
14. Where did most of your money go?
GAS :)
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Several apartment, my new tattoo, my new man, my new job, my new man :)
16. What song will always remind you of 2011?
A few..."Are you Gonna Kiss me or not" by Thompson Square, "Crazy Girl" by Eli Young Band, "Old Alabama" by Brad Paisley, "My Best Days are Ahead of Me" by Danny Gokey
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a)happier or sadder? HAPPIER
b) thinner or fatter? WAY THINNER
c) richer or poorer? RICHER in SOOOO many ways
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
read more books this year...I think I read.....2
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
work HAHA
20. How did you spend Christmas?
I got my monkey back on Christmas day at 11 and we came home and opened presents then went to my mommy's house to spend the day with family!!
21. Did you fall in love in 2011?
22. What was your favorite TV program?
I have a few new ones :) Lizard Lick Towing is one of my favorites!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't HATE anyone...but no, the list is the same...I have actually come to peace with the ones that were on this list last year!
24. What was the best book you read?
The Help
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I had the time to REdiscover country music and my love for it!
26. What did you want and get?
a Kindle Fire and happiness
27. What did you want and not get?
the lottery
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
The Help
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 35. The night before I went to dinner with Liana and all our babies. We went to Asian City and ate at the hibachi. We went to Cold Stone after and just had a great time. On the day of Kendall and I went to the zoo!!! It was the best zoo day EVER!!
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
honestly....nothing. Maybe having a job earlier in the year so I could have made changes sooner.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Well I lost a bunch of weight so a lot of my smaller clothes fit and I am trying to be more hip!!
32. What kept you sane?
Kendall and my friends
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
who knows????
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
the Republican race for the Presidential candidate
35. Who did you miss?
Kendall when she was at her dad's
36. Who was the best new person you met?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
Never take anyone or anything for granted. Things can change in the blink of an eye! TELL PEOPLE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THEM! Make sure they know you love them because tomorrow is NEVER a guarantee!!!
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"I've got sunsets to witness, dreams to dance with,
beaches to walk on and lovers to kiss,
there's a whole lot of world out there
that I can't wait to see
my best days are ahead of me"
Wow - December 6th....
On Dec. 14th I had to have a procedure - they found pre-cancerous cells on my cervix and I had to have them removed...I was pretty nervous about it but it was being done in the office and I have complete faith in OBGYN. I love him to pieces. So, I got that done and found out yesterday that all is well and they got all the cells and the margins were clean. I have to come back in 3 mos. for a check-up and then again every 6 mos. for a few years to just make sure all is well.
Another reason I was really down was because Christmas was looming over me. I knew I wasn't going to have my ladybug on Christmas eve night or Christmas morning. I was DREADING those 2 days...I tried to make the most of it.
I took off 12/23 and we had a fun morning of donuts and wrapping presents. WE left home and went to get our nails done. She got red polish with candycanes on each thumb and big toe. I got the same red polish on my toes and some fancy glitter polish she picked out for my fingers. We had a nice time and I saw one of my good friends that I hadn't seen in ages. Then we were off to College Station!!!! We were meeting R and J there at Santa's Wonderland. We were so excited to go! J had never been and R hadn't been in ages so I was excited to take them and excited to see them since we hadn't seen each other in 2 weeks and wouldn't be able to spend Christmas together...We had a blast! The kids played in the snow, rode the bull, saw the lights, and even saw the REAL Santa there walking around in his regular clothes!!! It was nice to see my honey too!
Saturday bug had to go home at 10am. I ran a few errands after and then had lunch with my parents. Then I saw KJ about 6 and gave her some last minute hugs and went home. I tried not to dwell on it. I watched 4 Christmases, The Family Stone, and How to Lose a guy in 10 days. Then I went to bed and tried to sleep late.
Sunday I started getting texts as early as 730 from my friends thinking about me. It was sweet but I was really trying to sleep late so the time would go by faster. I got up and started getting ready. I got a message that KJ wanted to come home at 11 instead of 12!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I got there at 11 on the dot and she wanted to show me all her presents. We left about 11:40 and went home. She opened all her presents and played with one or two and we went to mom's! We had lots of fun there too. By the time everyone left, it was 9pm and I really didn't feel like driving home so we decided to stay over. Sadly my baby's cough had gotten worse over the last few days (I had taken her to the dr. on 12/16) si I got up and made her an appt. for 9:30 in Kingwood. We quickly got ready and got to the dr.
They gave her some antibiotics so she could get better. We ran home, got showers and were off again. She had saved up $36 over the last few months from tooth fairy, and being cute and getting 100's on EVERY spelling test all year long. She wanted to go to Build-a-Bear. She got a polar bear with a cute dress on. We ate at Chick-Fil-A and then went home to PLAY WITH NEW PRESENTS!!! We did it all!! Shrinky Dinks, Nintendo DS games, paints, Wuggle Pets, you name it, we played it. We had fun....but alas, the fun had to end and she had to go back to her dad's because it is his week after all.
This week is a short one and for that I am glad. I got to see my monkey last night and we had fun. She has been out of daycare all week and home with her dad. She has a dentist appt. this afternoon and three loose teeth so I am anxiously awaiting the outcome of that.
Have a Happy New Year!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Grinch
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
post Thanksgiving...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
11/16 - Late....
Thursday, November 10, 2011
sick :(
This week has gone by pretty quick aside from the fact that I feel AWFUL...I woke up Sunday morning with a very sore throat and tons of head congestion. By Tuesday it had moved into my chest...I have been sneezing and coughing and congested all week. I have no energy to get anything done.
Monday we had cheer and K and I went straight home, ate and went right to bed (after homework of course). Tuesday she wanted to stay late at daycare because they were doing a craft and I pick her up before craft time. So I ran a few errands and picked up her Thanksgiving shirt. We headed to Walmart for groceries, and came home ate, did homework and crashed. By yesterday morning I was kind of freaking house was a WRECK!!! I couldn't even think about it without stressing. Sooo, last night we ran to Kohl's (KJ needed jeans) and then came home and CLEANED! All the laundry got put away, all the toys got picked up. I got all the laundry done. The house was picked up! Almost I just need to clean it! I need to run the vacuum, clean the counters, dust, you know, the usual...guess I will get that done new week since we have Girl Scouts tomorrow and I have weekend plans!!!
Just some things to note...
*MEN!! Please wear UNDERSHIRTS! I don't want to see your nipples....
*Being sick SUCKS. Especially when it is a cold and you have to let it run its course.
*I am a flip flop junkie...I wear them in the winter...get over it people!!
*I like to iron.
*I love my sweet KJ's intelligence! She is SO unbelievably smart!!!
*Fake people annoy me.
*I need to run again.
*I am a SUCKER for my kid.
*I dislike fundraisers, but I participate in them because of how happy it makes KJ when she wins the prize she really really wants...
*I love my friends! I have some good ones and even though I rarely get to see them, I know they are always there for me!
*I stole a sweatshirt from R and he is just going to have to get over it (don't worry, he knows it is gone).
*Coke makes me happy.
*CHRISTMAS makes me happy. I am trying to have the best attitude I can this year about it...It is going to be HARD and weird and sad and I just have to make the best of it. I only get KJ from noon on Christmas day until 6 on the 26th...
My best days are ahead of me!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
They won the game! They are the season and tournament champs!! It was a nail biter!!!!! We won 11-8. I was so proud of my baby and all the girls! They were all in the zone and played well. They got medals for 1st place! It was so cool. Tomorrow night is the team party and they will get their 1st place trophies then!
OK, now on to me...I went back to the rheumatologist today. He had the results of my blood work. The extra tests were inconclusive of lupus but the antibodies test was crazy high again so that is twice that it has been like that. That test coupled with all my clinical symptoms makes him feel like it is lupus. He never said it actually was, but he gave me a drug called Plaquenil which specifically states it is used to treat lupus and my friend's sister who HAS lupus takes the same drug. I go back in 3 months to see how it is working...sooo, I guess I have lupus???? I don't really know what to say I have. I mean he didn't really say but he is treating me for it. I don't know, I just hope I start feeling better. He said it takes 6 wks to get the drug completely in my system but I really hope it doesn't take that long for me to feel better. He also gave me a non steroid pain med for the joint we will see if that works...
My parents will be home in a week and half. I have heard from them a few times. They are done in Europe and will be in the Bahamas on 11/08 and not sure after that but will be back in Galveston on 11/11 and then home sweet home on 11/12. I can't wait to see them! Well them and their pics and my souvenirs LOL!!!
I am off on Friday and I am really looking forward to a day to do nothing. There is rumor that I am supposed to learn how to make chicken fried steak and then there is a bday party to go to Friday night, but it will just be a nice relaxing day!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
My best days are ahead of me!!!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween!!!!
It was a super fun day! Sunday was very very lazy. Kendall watched Grease for the 1st time and then we went to look for some new tennis shoes for me. We went to the park later in the day and just came home and relaxed and did homework.
Then...there was last night!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween but I rarely dress up. We had a costume contest at the office, but I didn't participate. I just can never think of anything cool to be. So, I just wore a pumpkin shirt and lauched at everyone else! I got Kendall from daycare and we went home. We did homework and ate dinner and then got her ready to go trick-or-treating. She was a zombie cheerleader and I must admit that I did an AMAZING job :) I didn't make the costume, but I put it all together and did her face and hair! She LOVED it and so did everyone who saw her. It is so funny because she is SO beyond little kid costumes. She LOVED being spooky. I love that she loves Halloween too! We went trick-or-treating with some friends. I have been friends with them since 2003 - long before KJ was in the picture and when their now 5th grader was only 1. Time FLIES!!! The girls LOVE each other. It was a tad awkward becuase I kind of stopped being friends with them back in 2008. It wasn't my choice, it just happened. Well, last spring my ex and this couple started becoming friends again because they always saw each other at the fields...well, he is friends with them again...I am not really. It wasn't TOO bad, just different...when we got to the ex's house, he had a flat. we had to wait for him to fix that. After that we were on our way...Here is my spooky girl!!!
Tonight is the CHAMPIONSHIP game!!!!!! I really think we can win!!!!! I will update tomorrow! Hope everyone had a super fin Halloween!!! I know I did! Now on to Thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Again!
First, let me start off by saying this...I MISS MY MOMMY AND DADDY!!! They have not even been gone a week, but we talk at least every other day if not more and this STINKS! There are so many things I have wanted to tell her and thought about picking up the phone and then remembered "Hey, they are in Europe having the time of their life, they can't talk to you." Something else it has made me realize is that I am going to be LOST without them whenever they are gone.
OK, let me start the week...Thursday was a Pink Sox game. We won!!! We didn't need to win because we had already clinched 1st, but we won just the same!! It was great! Staying on this subject, the end of season tournament started Monday. We played the last place team and LOST!!!! It is a double elimination tournament so that STUNK! We played again last night and won so we are still in it. We play tomorrow night and if we win we play in the championship game on Friday. If not, we are out. I think if they stay focused and play again tomorrow like they played last night we can win both games!!
I don't know what happened from Thursday to Monday, but KJ had two strike-outs on Thursday and was very down. Monday night she hit off the pitcher and smacked it over the short stops head...she did that again and BOTH of her next at bats...SHE ROCKED!! She was SO proud (of course so was Mommy). Last night she did it again at both of her at bats. I don't know what happened, but she is a hitting rock star all of the sudden!!!!!!
Saturday was the company picnic I was telling you about. I was very nervous...It was fun. I kind of sat in the corner the whole time HAHA. Each person got a gift for coming and then all of the employees got a raffle ticket. They called numbers and then you got to go choose your prize from what all was left. At the end there were some prizes left over and they pulled numbers again. He won in that round. For the tickets he ended up with a digital picture frame and some fishing poles and tackle box. Well, they also had 4 bingo games. Guess who won the last one??? ME!!! The prize was an XBOX 360 with Kinect. Oh yeah, I rock I know!!! Well, J (R's son) was outside when we won it so I told him to go hide it in his truck and keep it for Christmas! SUCCESS!! J was never the wiser!!!! Just call me SANTA CLAUS!!! :)
Today is KJ's parent/teacher conference! I am so excited! She is such a smart girl and I can't wait to see how well she is doing!!!! Her conduct this year has been great and she has gotten 100's on EVERY spelling test!!!
Hopefully the rest of my week is filled with softball. I want them to win this thing SO BAD!!! they have all played so hard!
Saturday is zoo boo with several of my favorite people in which I have not seen in a LONG LONG LONG time and I miss them terribly. We are invited to a Halloween party Sat night as well. Not sure if we will make it. I will play it by ear. and just hanging out with my ladybug. We have no plans!!
I looked at my calendar for next week and am already stressed LOL. Halloween, team party, dr.s appts...UGH!!!! I just want to SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!! I think after next week that will actually happen!!! Hopefully...maybe....we will see LOL!!
I usually close with HERE COMES THE SUN...I realized today that the sun has come and things are great so I need a new closing. It used to be LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED (both Beattle's song titles (my fav band ever))...I realized that while love is important, you definitely need more than that...SO, my new closing will be...MY BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD OF ME (Danny Gokey).
My Best Days Are Ahead of Me!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Friday night Kendall went to spend the night with my parents. They are leaving town for a few weeks on Saturday so she needed some snuggle time with them. I went to Wazabi with friends and then to Stetsons. I danced and danced. I LOVE to dance! It was great. There was a band there instead of a dj. It was Jason Cassidy. I had heard of him but not seen him. He ROCKED!!! I def want to see him again!!!
Sat I got up and ran a few errands. I went to get Kendall and then we headed to Pearland. My home town. I have lived away from there almost as many years as I had lived there but it will always be home. MAN is it is nuts! We went to the bday party of a friends little girl. I have not seen this friend in 19 years...unbelievable. Larissa was a senior when I was a sophomore but we were in band and color guard together. When you are in band, everyone is essentially the same age/grade whatever. We were good friends back in the day and it was so nice to reconnect with her. Her kids and Kendall got along GREAT! We stayed the night out there and then came home on Sunday afternoon.
Sunday was very relaxed. I had jury duty Mon morning so I had to get up super early. Normally K goes to her dad's on Monday's of his week but because I had to get up super early I had to take her over there Sunday night. I missed her...A LOT.
Monday was jury duty. I didn't even get picked to go to a courtroom and was dismissed about noon. I just went into the office. Monday night was cheer.
Yesterday was a SUCKY day all around. I was tired and stressed and work was driving me crazy. We had the game last night. It ROCKED!!!! Man it was a tough game and the other team made us work for it. I have two friends on that team and that makes it hard too. You want their kids to do well but you want yours to win...
Today I had the appt. with the rheumatologist. He took more blood and did a physical exam. I go back in 2 weeks. I am ready for them to just figure out what is wrong with me and stop feeling like crap. I go back on 11/02. He thinks it is either fibromyalgia, lupus, or this point I don't care WHAT it is...just FIX IT!!!
Tonight my mommy is taking K and I to dinner. I only see her tonight and at the game tomorrow before they leave for Europe....they don't come home until NOVEMBER 12!! I am not ok with this. I know I am a grown woman and 35 but I have never had my mommy out of picket for this long before. I am a little stressed LOL!
Heading to a company picnic on Sat for my handsome man. I am a tad nervous about meeting all his co-workers/friends...It is a little intimidating. I love spending time with him but this is stressing me out HAHA!!
Well, more updates to come on the Pink Sox and whatever happens with me and the doctor.
Friday, October 14, 2011
We were the home team so we fielded first...KJ played shortstop. The other team scored 2 runs and we got 3 outs. We were now up to bat. KJ was 2nd in the lineup. She struck out...she was MAD. The same thing happened last night that had happened on Tuesday. She was measuring and got too close and knocked the ball off...we talked about it and I told her how to fix it and that on her next at bat I would remind her. Regardless we scored our 5 runs and went back out to the field...
2nd inning...KJ is on 3rd. She stopped a ball and got it back to the pitcher quick...We got our 3 outs and the other team did not score a run that time. Back up to bat...when it came back to KJ and she was on deck we talked about measuring and how she doesn't need to get her bat right up on the ball. She SMACKED it off the tee and it went over the pitchers head and almost to the grass!!! She then scored and we got our 5 runs and went to field...
3rd inning...I look up to see KJ standing in the pitchers circle...I was a bit confused. She knows the job of the pitcher, but has never played it or even practiced it. Let me tell you, that was the MOST STRESSFUL HALF AN INNING OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know that I even took a breath...(well clearly I had to have because I would have died and I didn't but you get the point).
you know what happened...SHE. ROCKED. IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SO impressed with how well she did. She focused, she stopped the balls. She even dove/slid on the ground when one got a little past her. She def has pitcher potential. We ended up with 2 outs and they scored their 5 runs. Since we were home team and the score was 10-8 in favor of us we did not have to bat again. The girls were so excited!
Our record is 5-2-1. I think that is great! We have 2 games to go! I really hope we stay in first place. The girls would LOVE IT! I am not sure if we have any closing festivities or trophies like the spring, but I hope so because they deserve it! They have played HARD!
On another note, being tall is awesome, most of the time. I am the tallest girl in my family and the ex is the tallest male in his so of course, ladybug is going to be tall. I have always believed that KJ will be taller than me. She is only 6 and already 4' tall. She told me last night that she is the 2nd tallest student in her class and the tallest girl. Only 1 boy is taller. YIKES! I thought she would take until at least high school to pass me but now I am not so sure. The only thing I worry about is her finding boys taller than her. I mean look, she is already taller than all but ONE...I had that problem...I am 5'8" and have ridiculously long legs. I refused to date anyone shorter than me so that narrowed down the choices...I ended up with a giant and I produced a giant. Now that I am back in the dating world, I have found someone that is taller than me. Not my much, but he is. It was funny. He thought that we were the same height and I kept telling him that I was indeed shorter. Well the other night we were standing face to face and he realized..."Hey, I am taller than you." Um yeah, I know lol. So, I have this giant child who I worry will be 6' tall when she is done growing...the population of boys 6' and over is SLIM...I don't want her to worry about her height! I want her to embrace it! We are working on that now and I keep telling her how AWESOME it is to be tall.
This weekend brings lots of fun. Kendall is going to Granny's tonight (they leave for Europe next Sat and need some loving time with the girl). I am going to dinner with some friends. Tomorrow we are going to an old friend's house for her daughter's bday. It is back in Pearland so we will be staying the night. I think Sunday is going to be all things Halloween! We are going to make Halloween cookies and paint the pumpkin from Dewberry!
Everyone have a great weekend!!! I have jury duty Monday morning at 8am downtown...I will update upon the completion of that task....
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Happy but sad
I guess I just hink about all the great things in my life sometimes and wonder...what does your future hold. I never imagined that this is what my life would look life at 35. Single, in an apartment, doing a job I love and am good at but don't really WANT to be doing. I wonder if I will ever get that teaching job. It is such a blow to the ego to have gotten my degree, gotten my teaching certification, done my student teaching, and WHAMO...go right back to the industry that I went into just out of high school. I wonder why I wasn't ever chosen for a teaching job. I love kids, I am smart, I am charming...I guess that doesn't show on paper applications...I wonder if I ever will teach. I want to. I love it. I think about going back to get my masters and maybe working with kids in a different capacity, but I currently don't have the time or the money for that.
I try to remember all the wonderful things mentioned above that I am blessed with, but some days that is hard!!!! I know God has a plan for me and this is where he wants me, I just wish I knew why...
On antoher note, Kendall got her first "strikeout" of the season last night. She was hitting off the tee and had already missed the ball once. She was taking her time and measuring the bat to the ball like she is supposed to but accidentally bumped the ball with her bat and knocked it off the tee. Her response was thid "That umpire knew I was just measuring and that I didn't mean to touch the ball and she called me out anyway. It isn't FAIR." She did make 2 great plays at 2nd base so that helped with her self-esteem. Only 3 games left with this team. For that, I am thankful.
Anywayyy, enough crying LOL. I just have to remember that even though I can't see it, He does have a plan!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday again!
A few weeks ago I had a physical and got some bloodwork done (I hadn't had any done in...well a long long time). I have been having some weird stuff going on such as losing TONS of hair, more frequent and severe headaches, feeling tired ALL the time, and achy. My doc devided to test me for lupus and to check my thyroid (among tons of other stuff) but those were his biggest concerns. I went back and had tested positive for lupus. When you test positive they generally run another test checking your "titers." I really don't know what this means, but they are supposed to be LESS than 1:40 and mine was 1:320....SOOOO, it was quite a bit higher than it is supposed to be. I asked him what next. Now I have to see a rheumatologist. I was referred to a dr. in Kingwood and I will see him on 10/19. My dr. told me there is about a 20% chance that it could be a false positive...that doesn't give me much hope. I know of a couple of people that have the disease and with treatment they are fine. Heck, one just had a baby!! If it is a false positive, then they are going to keep trying to find out what is causing all my problems. If it is lupus, I can now get treatment and maybe actually feel better now!!!
So, this happened on Thursday. I didn't get to KJ's game until almost 6 and was a wreck when I got there. I did not take the news well. So, KJ gets on deck fir her first at bat and low and behold, her batting stance is a MESS!!!! I was FURIOUS!!!! I told her to get her elbow up and she put the front one up...I asked her what she was doing and told her to get that back elbow up. Her response..."I can't. Coach wants it like this." That was not the right answer...I gave up and let her hit. She still got a hit at every at bat and got on base every time. They only have 4 games left and she is still batting 1.000. I will just have to work with her before January to get her fixed back to the correct and comfortable way.
Friday I went to see my handsome :) We went and had dinner and came home and SLEPT! I was beat! I couldn't sleep Thursday night and it took its toll on me. Sat morning we got up and went to his son's flag football game. It was cute. I have never seen little boys play football. The rest of the day we were super lazy and in the early evening a big storm came so it was the perfect lazy day. It rained A LOT!! They have had WAY less rain than we have had here so it was awesome to actually have two days of it!!! Sunday we watched the Texans and just relaxed. It was a great weekend :) I even got to watch Smokey and the Bandit...can you hear the excitement LOL. It was actually pretty funny. I think hearing him crack up was funnier than the actual movie :)
So, here we are, back to Monday. I think this is going to be a nice easy week. Cheer tonight and 2 softball games. KJ is out of school today and her dad is going to bring her by my office! I can't wait to see her in just about an hour!!!! She makes my world so much brighter!
This weekend I have a scrapbook crop but KJ was invited to a bday party on Sat so I don't know what I am going to end up doing...I REALLY need to scrap but I hate to choose what I want to do over what she wants to do. I will have to talk to Granny (they leave for Europe next Sat for THREE WEEKS...) and see if she needs some Kendall time before they go LOL.
Anyway, have a great week. I will update with Pink Sox results!!!! They are currently 4-1-1. Not too shabby :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Time gets away...
I cna't believe it is OCTOBER! I love this month. It is the start of fall and the holidays and the part of the year I love the most. FALL FALL FALL I love it! Pumpkins and scarecrows and Halloween! I love it all...after that we have Thanksgiving and then Christmas!!! Plus I get to break out sweaters and hoodies and cute coats :) I just can't say enough about FALL!
The Pink Sox are 4-1. KJ is still batting 1.000 which I am SO proud of. Saturday she got the GAME BALL!!!!!!!! She made an amazing out at 3rd (her 1st ever out) to end the inning and then in the next inning she drove in the game winning run! She is doing SO much better! She is really starting to LEARN the game and not just stand out there :) LOL! I still don't like the coaches. They are rude to the parents and they make bad decisions. They give NO fielding direction and it is stressful!!!!!!! I am so thankful there are only 5 games left and I can guarantee she will NOT be on this team again...
Saturday after the game we went to Dewberry Farm. This is our 4th year in a row to go. We have always gone with someone but this year we decided to just go spend some quality time together and go on our own. It was great! We had such a great day. We had no schedule and no time we needed to be anywhere else. The weather was great. She got to do it ALL! It was the perfect day!
Sunday was my sister's b-day so we went over to her house and spent some quality time with the family. She caught a lizard and got a box from Lissa and kept it for a pet. Monday night when she went to her dad's house, I let him go. He was looking a little sick. I am sure tongiht when she comes home she is NOT going to be pleased...hopefully her compassionate side will come out...
I have her tonight and tomorrow she goes back to dad's until Monday. I am going to see my sweet handsome man this weekend. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and even then it was a short time because we only had one day together (both of our kid's had stuff on Saturday morning so I couldn't go up on Friday). I am excited! I miss him! We have so much fun together! It is so nice to be with someone that has NO DRAMA! We get along perfect and we both enjoy the same things.
Nothing amazing coming up in the near future...just life.
Oh, KJ had gotten all 100's on her spelling tests so far for the year! This makes me one happy girl!!!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather we are having and enjoying FALL!!!!!!
Here comes the sun!!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Pink Sox
The Pink Sox kicked bootie!! They won 12-6!! My girly got 2 great hits off the tee (she didn't hit off the coach because he SUCKS at pitching) and she got on base both times!!!! She also scored 1 run and then got left on 3rd for her 2nd at bat. She had an awesome time...until the coach put her in left field, both innings...she was staying softball ready and was charging like she is supposed to but you could tell she was really bored. That made momma sad. I don't want to be THAT mom so I just told her what a great job she did and that maybe next game she could play infield. That made her happy.
So you know I dislike the coach and we have had some disagreements on how he is teaching them (wrong throwing form and teaching all of them to have the same batting stance). WELLLLL, at the end of the game he gave me a handout..."The Seven DEADLY misconceptions in hitting" and told me to take a look at it and let him know my thoughts...but make sure I return it because it is copyrighted material that they had purchased so I couldn't keep it!
Here are my thoughts....take this paper and shove it up your......ok wait, that was my initial thought but that is not what I can say to thoughts to the AMAZING and ALL KNOWING coach Keith and Ken will be this...
1. They are 6. They are just learning the game. I think that you are trying to teach them too much.
2. This handout is for boys. Just like the video you sent out last week.
3. If I hear you say BASEBALL ready to these girls one more time I might kick you.
4. THEY ARE SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He mentioned in this totally ridiculous email that if we had an idea on other ways to teach the girls then that is fine, but we needed to make sure that it was scientifically proven...ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about this...I played the game for about 10 years and I coached last season. My girls didn't win every game, but they all improved on their game. Also, there is myself and another head coach from last season plus an assistant coach from last season as parents on the team. BUT, we are just parent helpers since the coach's dad and brother are the official assistant coaches....WHATEVER....I digress...
The fact is that the girls won and I was super proud of my own Pink Sock.....??? lol
We had girl scouts last night and we completed our petals!! Yay! Next meeting is on to the new journey books we got! I can't wait!!
Tomorrow is game #2 and pictures for the Pink Sox...I hope KJ (that is bug's softball nickname) and her teammates do awesome again!!!!
GO PINK SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here comes the sun!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
My Daddy
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Weekend fun!
Vacation :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
new tattoo
I went with one of my besties on Thursday who was recently divorced and we got new tattoos. I wanted some stars, something like a shooting star. I wanted it to mean something. I wanted it to represent the new chapter in my life. It was I wanted a reminder that I am shooting for the stars and I can be happy again. I showed a pic of something that I wanted to the artist and he made it into his own. I LOVE it. For several reasons. One is because it is all my own. No one else has anything like it. It is completely my own. I went to work the next day and I showed it to a coworker who is also a good friend for about 16 years. Her exact words were " I LOVE IT!! It looks so HAPPY and FREE!" YAY!!!! That is EXACTLY what I wanted!!!!!
I don't have K this weekend. I may have some plans with another bestie on Friday night. This weekend is the summer scrapbook retreat but I am not going. K and I are leaving for Charleston next Wednesday for my baby boy's wedding so I am being responsible and I couldn't justify the extra $$$. BUT....Saturday night me and all my scrapbook besties are all heading to NKOTBSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (New Kids on the Block and Back Street Boys for those of you who don't know). I am really excited!!!!!!!! I saw NKOTB two summers ago with my girls Andi and Julie and this year the three of us are going but adding Jayme and Michelle too!!!! I am so excited to hang with them. I don't get to see these four enough and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!
Next week I am super busy getting ready for the trip. I can't wait to see the Atlantic ocean again and take K to the beach and on her first plane ride. I am even more excited to watch my sweet baby be a flower girl for my Joshy and his sweet Amanda!!! I can't wait to see them get married!! Man I love that boy!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Onward and upward people!!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
It is a tiny but stressful, but you know what, I am HAPPY. I have not been this happy in YEARSSSSS. I am not stressed, I am not angry, I am not yelling at anyone. It is PEACEFUL. I am a pretty peaceful person (being an Aquarius and all), but there were several years that I did not find myself at peace. I am once again peaceful.
Kendall is doing well, she is getting excited about the move. We went and found our actual apartment the other day and she got super happy. I am ready! I wish I could move THIS weekend, but I can't afford it...It is an extra thirty something bucks a day.
I had dinner with some great friends last week and it was AWESOME. They are really good friends and I just don't see them enough. I had dinner with Liana last night and MAN, am I going to miss that girl. AND, tomorrow night I am supposed to have dinner with some other ladies. Friday night is a birthday dinner for my bestest cousin in the world and Saturday...more packing. BLECH!!! But Sat night some friends invited me out. Not sure if I will go, but who knows. Sunday we see "Rock of Ages" and then I get my baby girl back. I will prob be loading my car that night and getting prepared for Tuesday!!!!!!!
REMEMBER...HERE COMES THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Moving along...
Well today they called and said it was good to go and I get the keys 6/14!! Who wants to help me move LMAO!! I am excited! I have never lived alone before. EVER. So this will be different for me. I already have so many ideas in my head of how it will be. And hopefully K will get her cast off that day so we can go swimming the next night!!!!! SO, if you want my new address, let me know!!
On another note, I have to say that I have some AMAZING friends. They are all being so supportive and I love them ALL to pieces. They are not all in the same circle by any means, but they are all special to me in their own perfect way. I hope you all know who you are!!!!!
Work is good, Kendall is perfect and my life is happy. So, what more can a girl ask for???
HERE COMES THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
I have a 6 year old!!!
The party was a success. She has SOOOO much fun. I initially was going to skate with her but because of the arm I decided to walk. Well, I should have skated. After about the first time or two around she was a pro. She skated better than she ever has. She had a few balance issues but at points I had to run to keep up with her. After the party we went to Kohl's with Granny and she bought her some birthday dresses.
Monday night we had a family dinner and most of my family was there. It was awesome! She had the people who had not signed her cast do that and they sang her happy birthday and my nephew's girlfriend Maegan put whipped cream in her face. K didn't know what to think. We also bought ice cream for her friends at lunch that day because the next day was the class picnic. She was helper at school too and got to wear a crown.
Tuesday was her actual birthday. I went and picked her up and we met her dad at Chuck E. Cheese. We were there a little over 2 hours. It was fun. She played everything. I was MOST proud of her ski ball skills. The last time we were there she STANK at it but this time she was a ski ball MASTER! She was even playing LEFT HANDED!!!! I can't wait until the cast comes off and she can play for real. We went back to the house where we had cake and opened presents. Her dad made her a chocolate cake with funfetti icing. She opened presents and got Gnomeo and Juliet, Tangled, Despicable Me, two DS games, a bunch of socks, and this Hello Kitty umbrella she had been wanting for months!
I love my sweet little ladybug more than anything in the world. I can't believe how much she has grown. We had her six year check-up and she weighs 52 lbs (70th percentile) and 47 7/8" (90th percentile). We also went to see the orthopedic last week and he said the arm is healing nicely. We go back on the 14th for more x-rays and she may get the cast off is all is well.
I am so super proud to be Kendall's mom. She is the absolute light of my life. I can't imagine a life without her. She is so beautiful. She is smart, funny, and so full of life. She has such a huge heart and loves everyone so much. I think the thing the thing I love the most is how silly she is. She is a super funny girl. I am so proud of the little ladybug I am raising.
Here comes the sun!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I can't believe it has been two weeks since I have been alone. I thought I would be happier, but I did not realize how freeing it feels. I miss K when she is with her Daddy but I am SO glad they have their time together. She is a sweet girl and I love her so much. I am proud with how she is handling this all so well.
My Ladybugs won their first game in the tournament so we move on to the winners bracket. Tomorrow we play the 2nd place team so I am a little nervous, but I think if they play as well as they did last week. They are rock stars and they have all done so well! I have really enjoyed being their coach but am not sure if I want to be head coach again. I think I will assist but I am not sure if I have it in me to be in charge again.
School is almost out. There are only 12 more days until my baby is a first grader. That is insane!!! Kindergarten has gone SO fast!
Also, my little baby will be 6 in NINE days! NINE! That is crazy! 6 years ago today I was being bounced in a bounce house "break the egg" style by two good friends trying to put me into labor! They had good intentions, but that girl was NOT ready to come out! Heck, she was not even ready on the day she was born! She was super stubborn then and still is. I am the same way though so who can blame her!!
Here comes the sun...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Broken arm
Other than ending with a broken arm and a trip to the ER, my mother's day was awesome! Guess it kind of tests your motherhood when you are in the ER on mother's day with a broken baby...
Here comes the sun...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
May and change
As for changes, these have been brewing for months. I moved out of my house today and in with my mom. I have not been happy for a long time and I think I deserve a chance at finding it. I am fine, but I do worry that K and her dad are not taking it well. I am going to miss her when it is not my day, but I have been away from her before and we both survived.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Kendall had an awesome time hunting all 75 eggs and did in maybe 10-15 minutes! She has eaten candy all morning (I threw a yogurt in there too) and is ready to go to Granny's to play with her cousins and hunt more eggs.
I in turn have a terrible sinus headache :(
Here comes the sun...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Horses don't use toilets...
Tonight we were at Chili's eating with my parents. They had kept KJ Thurs and Fri because school was closed. When the school is closed, there is no one to watch the ladybug while Mommy and Daddy are at work...
SO, we were talking and I asked KJ if she had told Granny about her horse ride from Kickapoo. She told her the name and color and in true KJ fashion, she was about to tell her about it going poop on the trail. BUT, dad stopped her because, well, we were at the table and in public...
This is where it gets funny...
SO, KJ leans over to me and says "Mom, tell her." I assume she thought it was OK for an adult to say or maybe I would be more quiet.
Well Granny says "Oh I know, the horse had to go to the bathroom?" and KJ gives her the craziest look and says "HORSES DON'T USE THE BATHROOM, THEY JUST GO ON THE TRAIL..." It was SO funny.
We were in tears...
Another funny from this evening...I have a very weird child. She was changing into her jammies and took her shirt off but left the collar part on her head. She then proceeded to tell us that she was Princess Nakey Squatter Pants and was doing this Indian dance type thing. It was pretty funny. There are some times when you have to let loose and I guess she felt she needed to tonight.
I love her more than life itself.
Here comes the sun...
more to come next week!
Hope everyone has a super fantastic Easter!!!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Kickapoo - I love you
I just wanted to post a quick note about the tons of fun we had. More to come later with pics!!!
Here comes the sun...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I am the youngest of a mixed family of 6 kids. My dad has two step-children from his first marriage that he stayed very close to. Remember, my dad will be 80 this year so my oldest sister is 60. She has two daughters. One is 6 years older than me and the other is 8 months older. They are like my big sisters. I spent TONS and TONS of my childhood with them and my sister and her husband. They loved me and supported me and treated me just like one of their own in good AND bad! I was hugged and loved and fed and put in the corner.
My brother in law died yesterday. He went in for a back surgery on Friday morning. He came out OK and was doing well. He started having trouble at about 10pm and then at 6am they noticed that he might be having a heart attack. They transferred him to St. Lukes and on the way he had a massive heart attack Saturday morning. They took him in and put in stints. He wasn't producing any urine. They had also had to give him a blood thinner because of the attack. He started bleeding out and his blood pressures was WAY low. They put him on pressers - 4 of them - and his pressure still wasn't holding. He finally stabilized a little and they started pulling off fluid with dialysis. Every time they would do that his pressure would drop. It was just up and down all day Saturday and Sunday. Overnight to Monday his pressure was down to like 65/45. A few hours later they wanted to put him on life support and my sister was NOT going to let that happen. She decided to let him go and one of the greatest men I know left this world at 6:58am on Monday, April 11, 2011.
He was a good husband, a loving and supportive father, a great father-in-law, and a perfect grandpa. He was also a brother, a son, an uncle, a cousin, and brother-in-law. I can't say enough good things about him. I have SO many memories of him. He will be missed by SCORES of people. It is definitely going to leave a hole in my heart. I am a better person for knowing him and I know parts of him will live on in everyone he has ever come in contact with.
Please pray for my family in our time of need and sorrow.
Here comes the sun.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Just a Quick Update!!!
She advised that the case was on the docket for that morning. He was still in custody and his bond was set at 30K. They told me I could call back that afternoon to check and see what happened.
I called back about 2:30 and they advised that the case had been reset for May 3rd. I am not sure why or what happens now, but at that time he was still in custody...since Friday night.
I called back this morning and he made bail last night at 7:45. Supposedly he is out on the condition that he has no contact with me and if he does, then I need to call 911 and he will be arrested again and his bail revoked. Now I am not one hundred percent sure that actually happened, but I will definitely be calling the police if I see him anywhere near me.
I got a letter in the mail from Victim's Services today and they gave me a person to contact in case I have any questions. I am going to call her tomorrow and see what happens now and why his case got rescheduled.
Just thought I would give you a heads up!!
Here comes the sun...
Saturday, April 2, 2011
We went through the line and got our food. When we were in the exit, there was a man in front of me just sitting there. There was absolutely no traffic in either direction and he was not going. I honked. He still did not go. After about another 30 seconds and still no traffic, I honked again. I waited another few seconds and he still did not move. SO, I went around him. As soon as I did, he went also and pulled up next to me at the light. He was honking like crazy. I had Kendall with me and we just ignored him. The light changed to green and I went. I kind of sped up and he sped up and was coming almost into my lane. I slowed down, he slowed down. I could not get away from him and was starting to get nervous.
When I was almost to the turn off for my neighborhood, the car in front of me got over so they were in front of him and kind of next to me. He immediately got behind me. I turned into the neighborhood and so did he. I got to the first stop sign and stopped. He was REALLY close behind me and when I stopped he layed on his horn. He did not stop at the sign, he went straight through. This happened at the next two stop signs as well. At this point I was at a dead end and my street. I turned onto my street and he was still tailgating me.
I KNEW not to go home because I did NOT want him to know where we lived. so I passed my house and was driving through the neighborhood. At the next stop sign I stopped and this time he rear ended me. I was PISSED and REALLY SCARED at this point. I did what I have always done in an accident and I got our of my car. The guy went in reverse and was starting to drive off. I got in front of him to get him to stop and he gunned it. I jumped out of the way and he went around the corner.
At this point he got out of his car and started cursing at me and calling me names and asking me if I wanted to fight him. I called 911 immediately and was on the phone with him. He went back and got in his car and left. The dispatcher told me to stay where I was so I did, BUT a man that was visiting a person that lived close by saw the whole thing and got in his truck and followed him. A few minutes went by and the friend called the neighbor and said that he had stopped the guy and was with a cop and wanted me to come over there. The neighbor went with me and we went over where they were. We ended up down the street from our house. I got a hold of Chris finally and he came down. We were right in front of my friends house so I got Chris to take her inside so she did not have to deal with any more of what was going on. She was already pretty scared.
I told my side of the story and he told his (all 3 versions). They asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said yes. The officer told me that the highest thing he thought he could charge him with was aggravated assault with a deadly weapon because he had tried to hit me with his car. The officer called his supervisor and then the D.A. and they accepted the charge. They arrested him and towed his car. I was told now that I just wait for someone to contact me for what to do next.
My car did not have any damage but people told me to get it checked out anyway. I will contact the insurance company Monday and go from there.
It was a very scary thing and I am still shaking here and there. My knees and my lower back hurt, but I think that is just normal wear and tear for my old age. I am just really worried that he will get my address. That is by far my biggest fear!!!
On a good note, my Ladybugs tied the first place team today!!!!!!!!!
So super proud of those girls!!!
Here comes the sun.